Welcome to SF Prologue Wave. Our webzine features Speculative Fiction. Most articles are written in Japanese, but we are trying to disseminate our works in English now.
In 2009, two newcomer awards, the Japan Science Fiction Newcomer Award and the Sakyo Komatsu Award were suspended, and “SF Japan” (Tokuma Shoten) ceased publication in 2011. Under these circumstances, some Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan (SFWJ) members started “SF Prologue Wave” as a web magazine under the authorization of SFWJ in May 2011.
SFPW published more than 1400 articles, including short stories on its original website.
With the launch of SFWJ’s official PixivFANBOX in August 2020, SFPW ceased operation of the original website and shifted publication to SFWJ’s FANBOX and has provided more than two articles each week.
On the occasion of SFPW’s 10th anniversary, 2021, SFPW invited new editors from the outside of SFWJ and revamped as the independent webzine, current website “https://prologuewave.club/” was launched.
SFPW will become even “newer.”
–As a more open medium!
–As a casual web magazine that takes advantage of agility!
–As an archive site, passing on the best works for a long time to come!
The editors of SFPW(March 2021~Present);
Takayuki INO, Yuki KAWASHIMA, Akira OKAWADA, Tsutomu OSHIZAWA, Norihiro OONO, Hajime OOWADA
The collaborators of SFPW;
Mamoru MASUDA (Administration of social medias), Tomomi OOTAKE (Website construction)